Do strollers have an expiration date?

Strollers are an essential part of a baby’s equipment. After a few months, your baby is going to be heavy. Throw in the car seat and diaper bag, and long distances become nearly impossible without a stroller. We recently spent over two hours working our way through customs at O’Hare International Airport. My arms would have died if we didn’t have our stroller. Our stroller though took quite a beating on the flight. That got me wondering how to know when it’s time to replace a stroller.

Strollers, unlike car seats that they are often paired with, do not have an expiration date. That doesn’t mean they can last forever though. Through everyday use they can take quite a beating, and must be regularly inspected for damage. Here’s what I’ve found about how to make sure your stroller is still safe for your child.

What could cause a stroller to be unsafe?

Strollers are generally pretty tough pieces of equipment that will likely last you and your baby a long time. There are times however when your stroller might meet an early end, including damage from a fall or impact, safety recall, or normal wear and tear that exceeds the manufacturer’s safety guidelines.

Safety recalls are serious events. When these are announced, it is because the manufacturer and other safety organisations have found a serious flaw in the design or manufacture of the stroller. Likely some children have sadly already been harmed due to the flaw, and the manufacturer is recalling the strollers to make sure no other children are harmed. You can see a list of stroller recalls here: You should also be sure to register your stroller with the manufacturer. When you register, you provide the manufacturer with the information needed to contact you directly in case of a recall of your stroller.

Damage to your stroller is also a serious situation. Damage can come from many sources: objects falling against the stroller, the stroller being knocked down or tipped over, or in my case from being bounced around inside an airplane and by baggage handlers. There are so many plastic components in modern strollers that can easily crack or warp when they are hit.

Normal wear and tear can also make a stroller unsafe. Strollers are used a lot and that usage can stress the plastic, stretch the fabric, wear down the brakes, or cause parts to come loose. You should regularly inspect your strollers to make sure that all components are firmly attached as they are supposed to be, and that everything is still in good condition.

How to inspect a stroller?

You should regularly inspect the stroller visually. Look over all parts of it carefully for signs of obvious issues. Torn, cracked, broken, or bent components are obvious signs.

Then test each of the components to verify that they are operating as expected. If you are not sure how a specific part of the stroller should function, then take a look at its owner’s manual.

Some components you should be sure to check:

  • Wheels
    • Make sure the wheels move freely and are firmly attached to the stroller.
  • Wheel Locks
    • Ensure that when the wheel locks are engaged, the stroller does not move.
  • Brakes (if installed)
    • Make sure the brakes can slow down the movement of the stroller.
  • Safety harness
    • Ensure that the safety harness is clean and free of damage.
    • That all straps connect together and remain firmly attached to each other.
    • Once adjusted to your baby’s size, the straps do not easily loosen.
    • Your baby is unable to slide out of the harness.
  • Seat
    • The seat is not torn
    • Provides proper support for your baby.
    • Is firmly secured to the stroller frame
  • Handle
    • The handle is not bent or broken
    • It is firmly attached to the stroller frame.
    • It is easy for you to hold and maneuver the stroller.
  • Sun Shade
    • It is not torn or bent
    • Is is firmly attached to the stroller frame
  • Car Seat Anchor Points (If your child currently uses the car seat, and if the stroller allows a car seat to be attached)
    • There is not cracks or other damage around them.
    • The car seat can easily latch to the stroller
    • The car seat cannot be separated from the stroller except by the release mechanism
    • The release mechanism allows the car seat to be easily detached from the stroller.
  • Folding Mechanism (If installed)
    • Ensure that the stroller can easily be folded and reopened as described in the stroller’s owner’s manual.

Should you buy and use a used stroller?

Used strollers are absolutely a good idea if you can find one with a good price and excellent condition. Sure it’ll be a little outdated and have a little wear and tear, but it is often a very good deal if you don’t want to pay the high costs of new strollers.

Some things to keep in mind though:

  • Be sure to visually inspect and test every component of the stroller.
  • Check the internet to see if there are any recalls for the stroller
  • If the stroller comes with an attached car seat, you should expect to replace the car seat. It can be dangerous to use a used car seat. So be sure that you can still obtain new car seats which will work with the stroller.

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