Baby Safe Cleaners: What you need to know

A clean baby

When our son was little, we enjoyed playing with him a lot. But there was one problem. When he started grabbing stuff with his little hands, he would direct everything to his mouth. It did not matter whether it was edible or not. 

My finger would end up in his mouth, so would my phone, keys… I mean everything! 

I tried to restrict him to his toys, but it seemed like he was more interested in the box the toys came in. At least for a while. This posed quite a challenge for us. Everything had to be cleaned because there are tons of germs lurking, just waiting for an opportunity to pounce on your little one. We had to clean the floors, his toys, high chairs, cutlery, even his Montessori table.

The workload involved in making sure everything was spic and span was not the problem. The problem was in the details. 

How to choose the right cleaning detergent? If it was too harsh and full of chemicals or it was plain bogus! We needed something that would kill germs while keeping our little boy safe. And boy did we look. 

Why is it important to find cleaners that are safe for your baby?

Most cleaning products are made of caustic chemicals that work to kill germs and microbes. While this was all I wanted for my little guy, I realized that getting that sterile environment had its problems. The household cleaners had their downsides, such as affecting baby’s eyes, skin, airways, and more. 

There is hope though. By making simple adjustments and using child-safe cleaning methods and substances, you can have the clean home you want and a healthy baby. Here are some of the reasons why you should switch.

Gentle on the baby’s skin

Eating everything in sign comes with its own packs. As I researched about this article, I spoke to a pediatrician friend of mine about some of the effects harsh chemicals have on baby’s skin. During the chat, she told me of a mom who rushed her little girl to her office with a case of dermatitis. The little girls was curious about her mom was doing. Like the adventurous little angel she is, she would follow her mother around as she cleaned and entertained herself with whatever she could find.

Although she did not play with the cleaners directly, she developed rashes on her hands and knees and could not stop crying because of the irritation. That is how they found themselves at the pediatrician’s office.  

You can imagine how worried the parents were. Your baby’s skin is delicate and allergic to many substances. Baby safe cleaners protect your child against skin and eye irritations, allergies, poisoning, and other adverse health effects.

Help boost your baby’s immunity

 There is nothing wrong with cleaning everything in the house. In fact, doctors’ advice that we do it. However, not exposing your little to germs is not healthy either.

Without exposure to microbes, your baby’s immune system might not develop properly. They can become hypersensitive, reacting adversely to harmless allergens such as pollen or fur.

Does this mean we should purposely not clean their toys and every area in the house?

Not at all. There are natural ways your little one will get exposed to germs. For instance, as they play outside, when you visit a park, and when you decide to go out for dinner.

Always boost your little one’s immune system by feeding them the correct foods and giving them enough nutrients to keep them growing and energetic. This will booster will keep your little munchkin healthy and help them fight any germs they get into contact with.

 What should you look out for when choosing a baby-safe cleaner?

It’s not always easy to know what’s in a cleaner. We may not always know what is in them, and thus, we can’t fully understand what we are exposing our kids to. After doing a great deal of research, I found these helpful tips to keep in mind while buying these baby-safe cleaners:

Go for plant-based or chemical-free products

It’s important to note that your baby could be allergic to some plant-based components, but the chances of adverse effects are a lot lower compared to synthetic ingredients and chemicals. Plant-based products are not as harsh and are likely to be safe for your little one.

Keep away from hazardous ingredients

Always read the label to know what is in the cleaner you pick. Reading reviews can help you know of any irritants in the product. You can get the reviews online or by asking a friend or family member if they have tried the product and how it worked for them. People are generally very honest where kids are involved and will give you their honest opinion.

Avoid products with fragrances

They can easily irritate your baby’s airways and worsen asthma allergies. Unscented products can still have a fragrance, so be sure to go for non-fragranced products.

Use liquid or powder detergents instead of laundry pods

Laundry pods are small and candy-like. Many children are at risk of poisoning because they consume them thinking they are sweets. If you must use them, always keep them where your little one cannot reach them.

 Things in cleaners that should raise a red flag 

When you read the labels of a lot of cleaners, you will notice words such as “toxic chemicals,” “Danger,” “Caution,” or “Warning,.” Many products with caustic or harsh chemicals are clearly labeled with these warnings. This means they contain synthetic fragrances, petroleum factions, solvents, and high VOC levels, which can cause adverse effects to human health.

If a product is labeled as a sanitizer or disinfectant, it most likely contains chemicals to kill germs. These products often cause the spread of super germs.

What is the general process of efficiently cleaning baby items? 

Many of your baby’s items such as the toys come with care labels. As the first step, always read the labels and see what the company recommends. It’s tempting not to read the small prints, but it’s necessary. You should also consider these factors when determining the best method to use.

The material they are made from

Are the items made of fur, fabric, plastic, rubber, silicone, metal, etc.? Each material may require specialized cleaning or stain removal. All these materials are cleaned differently. For instance, you can wipe plastic toys, but you might need to use the washing machine for fabric toys.

The components that makeup the items

Before cleaning, take the items apart so you can thoughtfully clean them. If certain toys have batteries, take them out to prevent damage.

The preferred cleaning method

Do you want to hand wash or machine wash the items? Check what the company recommends before you throw the item in your washing machine. Some teddies are fine when you dry-clean them while others are not. The specific instructions will guide you on what to do.

What cleaning products you are using.

You want to use a baby-safe product to clean your child’s items. Dish soap is a great example of such a product. Some items may require bleaching. Be sure to rinse them properly if you need to use bleach. Properly dilute the bleach before use and rinse these items thoroughly.

Extra cleaning tips

Use what you have

If you love DIY projects, you can use items found around the house to disinfect and kills germs. For instance, baking soda and lemon. Dissolve some baking soda in water and use it to wipe your little one’s toys. You might want to rinse it off because it tastes horrible, and as we said, babies will eat anything.

Go green and choose safer cleaners

Look for products that are less harsh and good for both the body and environment. Go for green, non-toxic products. Check their labels for these terms “petroleum-free,” “biodegradable,” “phosphate-free,” “VOC-free,” or “solvent-free.”

Use less when you can

Many cleaners are still effective even when diluted with water. Diluting a cleaner makes it less harsh.

Avoid the antibacterial soap

Despite their popularity, they contain unnecessary chemicals. In the long term, you are increasing the risk of creating tougher, more resistant microbes.

Educate others on your cleaning program

If you have help at home they must understand these child-safe cleaning practices, you are adopting.

Keep your little one away

While you may be tempted to multitask, do not clean with the kids in the room. This reduces their exposure to cleaning products. 

Store cleaners properly

Remember to store all your cleaning products properly. Keep them away from food items and out of reach for your kids.

Your baby’s health is important, and keeping your home and their items clean ensures they are safe. Choose cleaners that will not irritate your child’s skin, eyes, and airwaves, and adopt a cleaning policy where your little one is not in the room as you clean. With kids, it’s always best to use the better safe than sorry policy. These little guys cannot watch out for themselves, so we must be careful.

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